On August second, in the year of 1924, in the bustling metropolis of New York City a young woman by the name of Emma Berdis Jones gave birth to a boy. She didn’t know it at the time, […]
Good day, all you magnificent Heathens! For some Heathens, Yule is finally over: we have crossed over into shortening nights and longer days. As we celebrate this time, we also cross the threshold into February – an important […]
Good day all you magnificent Heathens! It’s a chilly January 15th, as the US celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day. “I have a dream!”Over 60 years ago, those words rang out across Washington DC, and broadcast to the […]
Good day, all you wonderful Heathens! Today, December 10, marks International Human Rights Day. It was on this day in 1948, the United Nations adopted one of the most crucial documents in modern life – the Universal Declaration […]
Good day all you beautiful heathens!Today, August 1st marks a red letter day that is surprisingly not talked about much. In Canada, today is Emancipation Day. In 1793, then-Governor-General of Upper Canada (now known as Ontario) John Graves […]
“Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new wayMaybe then they’ll listen to whatcha have to sayCause they’re the ones who’s coming up and the world is in their handsWhen you teach the children teach em […]
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” Good day, all […]