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How can I help support Awaken the North?

None of the things we do at Awaken the North are done for fanfare or praise. We are not in this for the accolades and public applause. We do what we do for the MEMBERS, you folks, our extended family here at Awaken the North. We have multiple ways that we provide knowledge and education to our members, from the Great Library on our website, to our various discussion channels in Discord, to our social media postings and groups: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Discord, YouTube. Awaken the North supports several outreach & training programs including our free Pocket Hávamáls and Travel Altars for active Military Personnel; our own published paperback and hardbound versions of The Pocket Hávamál in Everyday English, available for purchase on our store; our upcoming Goðar Training program; our Certificate programs for those who want to learn the lore, but not be official clergy. Once we are able (post COVID), we will be getting our Emissary program back up and running. Folks across the world will be hosting in-person study groups, meet n greets, pub moots, public ceremonies, etc. We also quietly and help our registered members financially, spiritually, and emotionally in times of crisis, as we are able.  Our Council works tirelessly for you all, in front of and behind “the camera”, to make Awaken the North the awesome organization it is today!

Awaken the North is a family and we are dedicated to helping each other grow. The only way we are able to accomplish this is through the generous financial support of our members. Every single one of our Council, Chairs, and support staff are purely VOLUNTEERS. Not a single person benefits financially from any funds within Awaken the North. Even Beast, the Leader, doesn’t get a dime. All funds are directed back into Awaken the North to pay for the website, buy supplies, help support our members, etc.

We are so very, VERY grateful to our members who help support us! If you are looking for ways to help Awaken the North, please see the options below.

paypal gives the options for One time donations, or recurring donations, by PayPal or Debit/Credit card!

Donate Through BetterWorld!

Sign Up Through Patreon!

Donate Through PayPal!

How can I help support Awaken the North?

Awaken the North is a family and we are dedicated to helping each other grow. The only way we are able to accomplish this is through the generous financial support of our members. Every single one of our Council, Chairs, and support staff are purely VOLUNTEERS. Not a single person benefits financially from any funds within Awaken the North. Even Beast, the Leader, doesn’t get a dime. All funds are directed back into Awaken the North to pay for the website, buy supplies, help support our members, etc.

We are so very, VERY grateful to our members who help support us! If you are looking for ways to help Awaken the North, please see the options below.

Donate Through BetterWorld!

Sign Up Through Patreon!

Donate Through PayPal!

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