Regnbue Ætt, from Old Norse meaning Rainbow Clan,
is Awaken the North’s own LGBTQIA2S+ Community!

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Come hang out and see what the topic is today!

Latest Blog Posts

Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day

Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day by Wesley Barrett, AtN Chair of Regnbue Ætt We witnessed and celebrated several LGBTQIA observances in December, one of which was on

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HIV Cure Research Day

HIV Cure Research Day by Sylvie-Blaire Frey “Bean” Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt HIV Cure Research Day is celebrated annually on December 14th to raise awareness

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Human Rights Day

Human Rights Dayby Sylvie-Blaire “Bean” Frey, Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt Human Rights Day is observed annually around the world on the 10th of December. It

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Transgender Awareness Week

by Sylvie-Blaire “Bean” Frey, Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt Transgender Awareness Week, observed from November 13th to November 19th, is a one-week celebration leading up to

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Welcome to Awaken the North and the Regnbue Ætt 
(Rainbow Clan)!

We’re glad you’ve found us!  We are an inclusive place to thrive, learn and grow in the Norse Pagan religion.  We don’t just talk about inclusivity an diversity, we ARE inclusive and diverse!  We have members from all walks of life — Gay, Straight, Bisexual, DemiSexual, Asexual, Transgendered, Non-Binary, Aromantic! 

Here we are Universalists.  What does that mean?  That means that we are in no way affiliated with any groups that are White Supremacists, Racists, Bigotted or Folkish.

Is Awaken the North and Regnbue Ætt a safe place to be?

Absolutely it is!  We have safe spaces for LGBTQIA2S+  where we celebrate and encourage you to be who you are.  No fear of judgement or persecution.  We are a ZERO tolerance organization, meaning that we don’t tolerate at all any discrimination, bullying, or exclusivity.   We encourage all of our Rainbow  Clan people to participate and interact as they see fit, rather than forcing them to interact when they are not comfortable. 

Inclusive rooms and chats are important to the religion as a whole because there are many out there who see someone who’s LGBTQ+ and discriminate against them from participating. 

Are your safe spaces really safe meaning can just anyone access them?

The spaces are absolutely safe!  Just like the rooms for only men or only women, the Regnbue Ætt rooms are only for the LGBTQIA2S+ community and as such are private so that someone who isn’t part of the this community can’t make someone else feel uneasy or scared.  

Will I have access to the general areas?

Absolutely! There are many common areas and you are not limited to just the Regnbue Ætt rooms.  Inclusion and feeling and being safe is a must and is a top priority at Awaken the North!  We have the Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt to help in any way they can, and are always available.  There are also many other people available to help or talk to whenever it’s needed.

We are a family and welcome you to Awaken the North and Regnbue Ætt! 

Blair Frey

Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt

Greetings, fellow Pagans and seekers of wisdom! I am Bean, an enthusiast of Norse Heathenry, anime, and true crime. For the past two years, I’ve immersed myself in the Pagan path, and now, as the Chancellor of Regnbue Ætt for Awaken the North, my mission is to illuminate the richness of our Norse heritage while fostering an inclusive haven for the vibrant tapestry of our LGBT community. Together, let us create a space where every individual, regardless of differences, can authentically embrace their unique selves within the warm embrace of Awaken the North.

The acronym SOGIE is helpful in organizing the mass of terms utilized in the LGBTQIA2+ community and understanding what it all means.

Sexual Orientation: Refers to romantic (emotional) and/or sexual (physical) attraction to others, men/women/both/neither/ and those who are gender non-confirming. 

Gender Identity: Refers to one’s inner sense of self belonging to gender groups, may differ from one’s sex assigned at birth and gender expression. 

Gender Expression: Refers to how one expresses one’s gender to others, usually expressed through behavior, clothing, grooming practices, roles and ideas. Expression may be influenced by sex assigned at birth and/or identity. 

Now that we have set up this broad categorization, let’s dig deeper into each section..


What is this idea?

We, the organizers, are part of the trans and/or queer communities. And while some members of the trans community can “pass” for cisgender enough to avoid comment in gendered spaces, not all can do so, want to do so, or are confident in their ability to do so. This threatens the safety of transgender, genderqueer, and other gender-nonconforming people. Additionally, the legal status of gender-nonconforming individuals accessing gendered spaces is inconsistent, and too often challenged.

We say this sucks. No one should have to feel unsafe using a restroom or other gendered space which conforms with their gender identity.

Our pledge, the pledge of #IllGoWithYou, is that those of us with passing privilege offer to be a bathroom buddy, a watch-your-back person, a stand-up-for-you person. #IllGoWithYou says “I will have your back. I will be your witness.”

Trans People and Bathrooms: Safety for All

This is downloadable below!

Pride Parades by State

Here is a listing of each state’s Pride parades. Some states have more than one! If you know of one NOT on the list, please let us know!

The Trevor Project

OIP (1)

Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Common Cause

Here you can find your representatives, how to contact them, bills they’ve introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they’ve received.

National LGBTQ+ Society

The mission of the National LGBTQ+ Society is to provide a safe space and safe environment for members of the LGBTQ+ Community and is allies through its purpose of providing support, resources, and education.
Includes links for Housing Support and emergency national hotlines.


PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies. With over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. 

National Alliance on
Mental Illness

The National Alliance On Mental Illness is a United States-based advocacy group originally founded as a grassroots group by family members of people diagnosed with mental illness.

How can I help support Awaken the North?

Awaken the North is a family and we are dedicated to helping each other grow. The only way we are able to accomplish this is through the generous financial support of our members. Every single one of our Council, Chairs, and support staff are purely VOLUNTEERS. Not a single person benefits financially from any funds within Awaken the North. Even Beast, the Leader, doesn’t get a dime. All funds are directed back into Awaken the North to pay for the website, buy supplies, help support our members, etc.

We are so very, VERY grateful to our members who help support us! If you are looking for ways to help Awaken the North, please see the options below.

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