Category: From the desk of the Chancellor of Public Affairs

It's fun to take a DNA test and find out you're very distantly related to Famous Swede #32. What isn't okay, however, is the way that DNA has been weaponized in some pagan circles-- namely with people being told that they cannot follow the gods without 'viking' blood. So how important to heathenry is your pedigree?

On my laptop is a sticker that I purchased recently. It was an impulse buy, an added couple of dollars on my order of a print I decidedly had to possess. This sticker is about the size of my palm, and features a little girl in a bear costume roaring with all her tiny might. […]
It has been a very interesting year so far, even if we’re only a month and a half into 2023. I’m not talking about in general, necessarily, though it certainly has been a generally interesting year in terms of the broader world stage. I want to talk today about that which is closer: Awaken the […]
Trigger Warning: Loss of a Family Member It is a brisk, frosty morning here in my part of the world. As I sit here, sipping my coffee, the patterns of the very thin ice still clinging to the world catch my eye as they spin the light from the most welcome appearance of the sun […]
Well, heathens, fall is officially upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are shorter, the nights are longer, the shade is cooler, and combines are trundling down the roads. Here at Awaken the North, we, too, are dutifully working to deliver the spiritual harvest to you all. I don’t know if you can […]
Every few months, as Editor-in-Chief of our quarterly newsletter, I put out a call for submissions. This newsletter, called Odin’s Auga, is something very dear to my heart, and I put a lot of time and effort into putting it together. More often than not, it is a threadbare collection of articles, recipes, etc. from […]
As I sit at my desk this morning, enjoying my first sips of coffee and slowly becoming human again, I am thinking about just that: Coffee. I love coffee. I love the process of making it – be it in my Walmart special machine, my french press, or a friends Keurig. The method by which […]