Category: From the desk of the chancellor of Religious Studies

A good Saturday my friends! Todays rune is Berkano. I feel new beginnings are in order, and that comes with growth. These two are walking hand in hand, but I’m not quite sure what it pertains to. I suppose only time will tell. BERKANO PRONUNCIATION: berr-kann-oh KEYWORDS: birch, goddess, birth, new beginnings, family, growth, and regeneration. ASSOCIATIONS: this rune is […]
Good Frigg’s day to you! Todays pull is Ansuz. It’s wisdom I seek, and wisdom I get, even if I’m having a day where I don’t want the Allfather around. There he is, saying “hey *expletive*, look, listen, learn!”. Thanks Grímnir…. ANSUZ (ahn-sooze) A GOD, an ancestral God. Communication, wisdom, divine power. The creative mouthpiece […]
AtN University is proud to announce the release of a new course! The Old Norse Bestiary is now available. Ever heard of Blóðughófi? Ever wonder just what a Fossegrim is? Come learn about all of the creatures of the Old Norse myths and legends! Each certificate course is $10 for a printable E-Cert, or $15 […]
Happy Thor’s day!! My favorite day of the week (I don’t know why, it’s the beginning of my work week but energies always seem high). Todays rune is Kenaz. With it I get an overwhelming sense of creativity, passion, and illumination! Hail!KENAZ(kay-nahz)MEANING: beacon, torch, fireKEYWORDS: light, heat, illumination, breakthrough, creative fireFor our ancestors’ fire was […]
A wonderful Woten’s day to you! Todays pull is Tiwaz. Inner strength and justice are what I’m getting today. Personally justice could be on multiple levels in my daily, for different things I’ve been striving and fighting for. TIWAZ Pronunciation: tee-whaz Keywords: Ambition, courage, victory, strength, passion Association: This rune is connected to our inner strength that, […]
Good Máni’s day friends! Todays pull is Thurisaz. I’m hoping this comes in the form of protection (shielding me from negative energies, both from internal and external sources) today and leads to a couple days of peace and quiet.  THURISAZ thoo-ree-sahz Keyword: Struggle/Conflict, protection, contemplation, decisions, luck Associations: The rune is associated with struggle and […]
Happy Sunna’s day!! Todays rune is Mannaz! Humanity, kindness, and frith. Make it a random act of kindness day today. Not just something simple like holding a door open, make it significant so that it leaves a lasting impression in hopes that the little bit of joy you brought a stranger sparks a wildfire of […]
Hello, another Saturday! Hope yours is amazing! Todays pull is Gebo. I see it today as more of a gift on a spiritual level. As well as the gift of brotherhood and friendship. Loyalty amongst friends is one of the greatest gifts one can receive in their lives. Appreciate it while you still here. GEBO […]
Good Frigg’s day friends! Todays rune is Hagalaz. While this may signify the weather headed towards us here in the mitten shaped state, I don’t see it as a negative. I see it as a temporary phenomenon that will pass quickly. Like most of life’s little hiccups. Sometimes they come endlessly, one after another, but […]
Ah Thor’s day! The start of the work week for me! Todays pull is Dagaz. Clarity, safety, protection. I feel like these are here to stay, at least for a little while. I pray that’s the case. Hail! DAGAZ (Dah-Gahz) Breakthrough Transformation Daylight, clarity, revelation, safety, hope This is the rune of daylight and is considered […]