Category: Daily Runes


BERKANA PRONUNCIATION: bair-kan-nah KEYWORDS: birch, goddess, birth, new beginnings, family, growth and regeneration. ASSOCIATIONS: this rune is linked to fertility, beauty, and the ability to take care of others. it can also symbolize a new project or new phase of spiritual development. RUNIC INSPIRATION: The time has come to celebrate creativity, tenderness and strength that come from being receptive […]


Happy Happy Frigg’s Day, unless you prefer to celebrate Freya’s day! Or as my bestie likes to say Happy Fri-Yay. No matter how you call it, It is a good day for a good day! Today’s pull is PERTHRO (pair-throh) Meaning: unknown Keywords: mystery, secret, chance, initiation, something hidden powerful forces of change are spoken of here. […]


Happy Thor’s Day. It is a good day for strength. Today’s pull is: NAUDIZ PRONUNCIATION: now-theez Constraint, necessity, pain ASSOCIATIONS: Naudiz is tied to unalterable necessity and thus with fate and time. You may be experiencing hardship that limits your ability to move forward or live comfortably, to a strong desire that appears impossible to fulfill, […]


(woon-you) joy, pleasure, hope, bliss, well being a very positive rune, Wunjo literally translates to Joy and indicates all manner of happiness and well-being. Situations that have been difficult are resolved and optimism is renewed. You may experience a feeling of being truly blessed by the higher realms. However, bliss and harmony are also present […]



ISA PRONUNCIATION: ee-sah KEYWORDS: obstacles, standstill, stagnation, delay, coldness. ASSOCIATIONS: this rune is associated with thought and intuition, to the unexpected flashes of awareness that pierce the veil of illusion and sometimes cause turmoil, both internal and external. RUNIC INSPIRATION: The literal meaning of Isa is ice: something cold, cutting, yet pure, transparent, and delicate. […]


Today’s pull is Dagaz PRONUNCIATION: dah-gahz KEYWORDS: daylight, success, hope, breakthrough, transformation, balance. RUNIC INSPIRATION: It is a moment of joy and happiness, falling in love, prosperity, light, and wisdom. This is the rune of daylight and is considered a very beneficial sign in a reading!! Daylight is comfort. Things seem less threatening and much more becomes clear. […]


It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, Happy Frigg’s day! Today’s pull is that favorite of mine!! I have used this rune since I was a wee Galaxy and had no idea of its significance to me until much later in life. Do you use this rune? What does it mean to you? Feel free […]


Happy Thor’s Day. Today’s pull is: KENAZ (kay-nahz) MEANING: beacon, torch, fire KEYWORDS: light, heat, illumination, breakthrough, creative fire For our ancestors’ fire was the only man-made source of heat and light. Kenaz stands for the fire branch, or torch, which people used for heat and light and to light a journey from place to place. This […]


EHWAZ Pronunciation: ay-wahz Meaning: Horse Keywords: Action, changes, faith, loyalty, trust, movement Associations: This rune is associated with action and movement. and represents qualities of faith, loyalty, and trust just as a horse will with a trusted rider Runic inspiration: To be successful you have to be very determined. Our potential is great, provided that we know how to value […]


Happy Tyr’s day today’s rune pull is: ANSUZ PRONUNCIATION: ahn-sooze KEYWORDS: Word, communication, wisdom, divine power, message, God, ancestral God INSPIRATION: Ansuz has to do with all that is conveyed orally. The word is a powerful weapon: It can seduce, deceive or dispel the darkness of illusions. All facets of communication are considered in this rune: exchanging ideas, […]