Category: Uncategorized


Aromantic awareness week has officially started! Aromanticism is a romantic orientation, which describes people whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations, often due to experiencing little to no romantic attraction, or sometimes feeling repulsed by romance or being uninterested in romantic relationships. This week is all about bringing awareness and acceptance to […]
The Paris Peace Accords of 1973 brought an end to the Vietnam War and established a temporary cease-fire between the North and South Vietnamese forces. The Agreement provided a framework for future negotiations between the parties and recognized the North Vietnamese-backed Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG). The cease-fire was a temporary respite for the people of Vietnam and provided the foundation for future peace and reconciliation between North and South Vietnam. The Accords are still remembered today for their role in ending the conflict and for their influence on the outcome of the war.


Yesterday was Pansexual/Panromantic Day. I apologize that I missed it. I wanted to give a shout out to our members, families, friends that are Pansexual or Panromantic. You are seen and you are loved. I hope you had an amazing day yesterday!


To those that are polyamorous, we wanted to say we hope you have a great Polyamorous day. Polyamory is loving more than one person and having a different love for each person. We hope you have a wonderful day today.


Hey everyone! As some of you may know today marks the beginning of transgender awareness week. Where we bring awareness to the violence trans people have endured throughout the years to be themselves. If you know of anyone that is trans or if you are trans, then I want to tell you that you are […]


Hey while I’m awake I just wanted to apologize. I had some technical difficulties yesterday so I wasn’t able to get a post for intersex remembrance day. But I wanted to tell you all that all of our people are loved and seen. I hope you have a great day.


Hail friends and a good Sunna’s day to you! Todays pull is Hagalaz. With the weekend I’ve had so far what I’m getting most, and it could possibly be just me is controlling aggression, or keep it in check. Step back, shut up and let the storm pass. HAGALAZ (hah-ga-lahz) Hailstorm Aggression signifies wind, bad […]
This week we are Spotlighting our Chancellor of Religious Studies Let’s take some time and meet Casey “Godi Beast” Clark! ~ Five fun facts about Godi Beast ~ 1.  I love woodworking! Sitting at the lathe is very relaxing for me. The art of creating is one of my passions. 2. I have four children […]


Hello there!! *using my best, worst Obi-Wan voice* Welcome back to another edition of Wednesdays with the emissaries. With October rolling in close we’re all planning things and I expect it to be a busy month. So, let’s make this short and sweet shall we? Reminder, I have a local event tomorrow evening (as always, […]


Hello friends, hope we are all well! Today’s pull is Berkana. For the time I have been doing these posts, this one hits closest to home. Important things to note for me here are knowing how to listen and embrace everything surrounding me. Often I find myself forgetting when to just shut up, and listen, […]