We are currently Spotlighting our Emissary Team.
Let’s take some time and meet Heather!
~ Five fun facts about Heather ~
- I have a 15-month-old.
- I’m in college for my bachelor’s in early childhood education.
- I’m enrolled in the history of Heathenry course.
- I play DnD often.
- I’m a paraprofessional at a local school.
~ Heather what brought you to Awaken the North ~
Tik tok.
~ Why did you choose to become an Emissary for AtN? ~
I wanted to be able to create an in-person community and make new like-minded friends.
~ What do you plan to bring/or what have you brought to the
members of your local community as an AtN Emissary? ~
There are so many ideas, so let’s just leave it a surprise lol.
~ What is your next or re-occurring event you have planned~
Heathens on a hike on the 20th of August. Join Heather at big thicket kirby trail. Kountze TX, 6:30pm-8pm. Join other AtN members as they observe nature!! Bring water its hot!!
If you have any questions for our Heather, you can reach them at: heatherellis@awakenthenorth.org
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