Daily Rune – Hagalaz – Chaos

Good Thor’s Day! Todays rune is Hagalaz. We have a little aggression here today. I don’t know where it stems from. It’s because, but I do feel like it is a minor disruption. Like “ahhhhhhhh!!! S*@$&@@,#@!!!” And it’s over just that quick. Keep a lookout as it is possible to avoid this situation.


PRONUNCIATION: hah-ga-lahz

Hailstorms and aggression signify that wind and weather are connected to dangerous and destructive forces and times of crisis.

Hail is a temporary phenomenon, starting and ending with water reminding us of transformation.

Hagalaz also reminds us of the chaos of natural forces, things that cannot be controlled, in other words, “resistance is futile” You may be reminded that taking a new course or new approach to something will bring the purpose for change and chaos into focus. Think of it as a temporary disruption and not as an end-all.

Magical uses: protection, luck, success in navigating difficult situations, breaking unhealthy patterns.

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