Daily Rune – Kenaz – Creativity

Good Saturday, friends! Todays rune is Kenaz. Here, well…here we have so. Many. Feelings. It’s overwhelming, and I’m kind of getting a nervous, stressed twitch. I get fire, illumination, clarity, healing, and creativity. And that’s just scratching the surface. Anything you can think of right now that relates to the meaning of Kenaz, I literally feel at this moment. These feelings are a lot. I’m not sure what this means, but I hope this feeling passes quickly. 



Beacon, torch, fire, light, heat, illumination, breakthrough, creative fire

This rune represents the light in the darkness as well as the warmth that fire provides. On a metaphysical level, this is also the light of knowledge and enlightenment.

The fire comes from within to provide illumination.

Clarity of thought, analytical ability, constructive expression.

Kenaz can also denote the fire of creative action and artistry. It is a good time to begin creative projects. Prior obstacles to productivity have been cleared away, and you now have optimal energy and passion for your creative work.

Harness the power of the forge – where raw materials are transformed into valued objects – to bring projects to fruition.

Magical uses: Creativity, inspiration, healing love, balanced relationships, adds power to runic talismans.

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