Good morning and Happy Sunday! Today’s rune is Wunjo. As with every day, a little joy will bring us a long way.  

“Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” —Robert Murray McCheyne 


Pronunciation: “WOON-yo” 

Meaning: Joy 

In a very straightforward sense, this rune promotes happiness, joy, good news, or a positive outcome. In regards to relationships, it may directly reference success in “love”, or it may reference the joy of doing something harmoniously with others, such as work. Wunjo is a rune that can be used to promote positivity, wash away depression, or help with feelings of alienation or loneliness. In Diana L. Paxson’s “Taking Up the Runes”, she states “There is another kind of joy in the search of wisdom, especially when one can share the quest with companions found along the way.” This sentiment alone shows that even in the mundane, such as in the pursuit of learning, we can find joy and even more so, when we involve friends.  

Keywords: Joy, happiness, bliss, friendship, hope, harmony, wishing, community, well-being, success 


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