Good morning! Today’s rune is Jera. Now is the time to plant the seeds for growth and plan for future success. What a perfect rune for this time of harvest and moving into the winter months.
“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Pronunciation: “Yehr-ah”
Meaning: Year
Jera is a rune of fertility, harmony with the land, and the flow of time. It is a rune that speaks of the seasons and the passage of time from one cycle to the next. Unlike Uruz with its barrage of wild and untamed energy, Jera is more of a soft, gentle energy-persistent, but gradual. Jera is all about the right time or timing, having goals and future aspirations motivates us and keeps us moving towards a better tomorrow. I feel that Jera points out that what we sow today in the present, will come around again come harvest, be that negative or positive.
Keywords: good harvest, the seasons, plenty, peace, farming, cycles, progress, patience, peace
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