
Meaning: Humanity

Pronunciation: mah-nahz

Keywords: Cooperation, humanity, assistance, support

Association: This rune is connected to the sense of union that unites all humanity to the cosmos. Often this rune is pointing to some aspect of tension in the relationship between your inner self and your perceived place in the outer world. You may be feeling at odds with the attitudes and expectations of society. If this is the case be sure you are listening to your intuition rather than your ego to determine the best course of action.

Inspiration: This rune alludes to cooperation and reminds us that no one is an island; that we are bound by invisible threads that cannot be dissolved. The card indicates collective dreams and the joy of cooperating and having shared projects. Unity is strength, and exchange and communication are two key concepts.

The power: Mannaz makes you cheerful and popular. It facilitates communication and exchange between us and others.

Meditation: Let’s meditate on our relations with others: are we able to give and receive affection? Are we at ease with emotions? How well are we able to communicate verbally and with our attitude? Do we commit ourselves with enthusiasm to collective projects? Do we feel misunderstood?

Strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way.

This rune can be pointing to some aspect of tension in the relationship between your inner self and your perceived place in the outer world.

Mannaz can also symbolize assistance from others. Its shape evokes a sense of mutual support and creates a stronger structure.

Independence and self-reliance are important attributes, but ultimately, humans need each other in order to reach their fullest potential.

In connection with humanity, Mannaz also symbolizes human intelligence and creativity. It is a rune of the mind.

Magical uses: help with cooperation from others, increase mental agility, improve memory, promote harmony

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