Awaken the North's Declaration of Human Rights

We are all entitled to human rights. These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn a livable wage. It is our belief that everyone should be able to make decisions about their own body. Every human has sexual and reproductive rights . This means they are entitled to equal access to health services like contraception and safe abortions, to choose if, when, and who they marry, and to decide if they want to have children and if so how many, when and with who. Humans should be able to live without fear of gender-based violence, including rape and other sexual violence, genital mutilation, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, forced sterilization, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. Sexual harassment means any unwelcome sexual behaviour. This could be physical conduct and advances, demanding or requesting sexual favours or using inappropriate sexual language. Sexual violence is when someone is physically sexually assaulted.

Awaken the North believes it is ultimately the choice of each Heathen should they find themselves pregnant to make the choice they deem appropriate in their given situation. We hold that it is a religious right to make this choice, and should not be removed by any governmental agency, whether at a state or federal level.

To read the stance in it’s entirety, please click the button below.

To stand with Awaken the North on this issue, please comment below with your name, city and state or country. This form will help gather information for applying to sign the Declaration of Human Rights as an individual, organization or as a kindred.
By signing this document and submitting yourself, organization, group, or kindred to be a signatory on the Declaration of Human Rights, you agree that you accept the Declaration of Deeds as a philosophical minimum and with it you signify that you stand for these rights to be unalienable for all of humanity.

112 Responses

  1. Cherokee Ray says:

    I, Cherokee Ray (aka Lazarin Maetellus) of Sandoval Illinois, stand with Awaken the North and this declaration.

  2. Kassy says:

    I stand with awaken the north

  3. Cinder Xandria Bain says:

    I Stand with Awaken the North!

  4. Lisa Soto says:

    I, Lisa Soto, stand with ATN, thanks for fighting for Human Rights

  5. Gail says:

    I stand with Awaken the North. Gail Luscomb, Mid-Michigan.

  6. HEATHER ELLIS says:

    I stand with Awaken the north

  7. Velma Burnett says:

    Velvet Burnett from Tennessee stand with Awaken the North.

  8. Doug Mulder says:

    I stand with awaken the north

  9. Samantha I Davies says:

    I stand with Awaken the North.
    Samantha Davies
    Poulsbo, WA(in the near future Canton, GA)

  10. J. Mann says:

    From Australia and I stand with Awaken the North

  11. Cináed Odinson says:

    Im from Hazel Park, MI and I stand with Awaken the North

  12. Wendy Bradnam says:

    I stand with you all!

  13. Kathleen Philbeck says:

    I, Kathleen Philbeck, currently of Kingston, MA, USA and soon to be of Shelby, NC, USA…
    … do hereby as a Heathen declare the rights enumerated above, and in the referenced UN declaration, to be a matter of religious imperative.
    Denial of these rights to any Heathen is a violation of their religion.

  14. John labarbera says:

    I stand

  15. Gail S says:

    I stand with awaken the North

  16. Sigga says:

    I stand with you.

  17. Anna Holland says:

    I stand with Awaken the North.

  18. Melissa Lundeby says:

    I’m from Mississippi and stand with Awaken the North.

  19. Hilary Gwilt says:

    I stand with Awaken the North.

  20. Denise Kyer says:

    I’m in New Mexico and I stand with Awaken the North!

  21. Will Brook says:

    I stand with Awaken The North

  22. Janelle Plows says:

    I stand with Awaken the North.

  23. Wendy MacKenzie says:

    I stand with Awaken The North. Human rights are for everyone, regardless of gender.

  24. Gerald A Kozak II says:

    I stand with Awaken the North and for Human Rights of All of Midgard

  25. Connor Hoggatt says:

    Legal name Connor Hoggatt, preferred name Narik, Reno Nevada stands with awaken the north

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