Tag: As

Good Woten’s Day! Todays rune is As/Oss. Today we speak of the power of oral bonds and oaths. Their importance in keeping them, not only in the manner of honor, but in loyalty to the gods as well. The power of the spoken word internally, and externally is the power of the sharpest sword and […]
Good Tyr’s day. Todays rune is As/Oss. Funny that Odin follows the day after his wife. I think there’s wisdom in pondering that alone. I think this speaks to the power of communication and the power in word and song. Today we sing of the Gods. ᚬ As/Oss means “one of the Æsir (gods)”. The rune of […]
Happy Saturday friends. Todays rune is As/Oss. As I’ve mentioned before this calls directly to Odin. Wisdom and communication. As well as the divine order and natural order of all things. If we listen closely enough, the wisdom through that order screams out like a roar from a tidal wave and is undeniable. We just […]
Good Tyr’s day friends!! Todays rune is As/Oss of the younger futhark. Here it represents the divine order, or just order in which things can and will happen. Some things are sequential in nature and to experience the true flow of these energies one must let them play out how they are set to be. […]
Good day friends! Todays Rune is As/Oss. Divine order, justice and truth are at play today, and we’re in no mood for games. Communication and oral bonds are key to showing what is right and just. Words can sometimes be the most powerful weapon. ᚬ As/Oss means “one of the Æsir (gods)”. The rune of divine order. […]
Good Woten’s day! Todays rune is As/Oss…which is very intriguing. Very intriguing indeed. With As/Oss or Ansuz we’re typically talking of Odin, whom I already have a connection with. For days now I’ve had a strong pull towards another, something I’m not familiar with. This definitely requires some meditation and more rune work. I have […]
Good Tyr’s day. Todays rune is As of the Younger Futhark. Here it represents the divine order of things. There are things that must occur in their proper order for them to fall into place properly. I also get communication and the importance of proper communication in the form of understanding and compassion. It’s also […]