Tag: Nauthiz

Good Máni’s Day! Todays rune is Nauthiz. Here, we have a need. We need to keep that flow of growth, joy, and wonder continually flowing throughout our lives. It’s a great feeling when it lasts. We still have to remember that even when we’re down, the only way to go is back up. NAUTHIZ PRONUNCIATION: […]
Good Woten’s Day! Todays rune is Nauthiz. We have need here. Great need. To find peace, grow in our paths, and find happiness. This is true need and necessity, not just want. There’s a huge difference, and it’s up to us looking inward to find what that difference is. NAUTHIZ PRONUNCIATION: now-theez Constraint, need, pain. […]
Good Saturday friends! Todays rune is Nauthiz, we got another busy one today. So I’ll be brief again. Pain, in this case physical pain, these old feet have covered a lot of miles and are darn tired! NAUTHIZ PRONUNCIATION: now-theez Constraint, need, pain. Nauthiz is tied to unalterable necessity and thus with fate and time. […]
Good Sunna’s day. Todays rune is Nauthiz. Need. That’s what I get here, but not in a negative manner. The need to connect, to people, to nature, and to the gods. Whatever the case may be, the need becomes constraint until the need is fulfilled. Again, it’s about opening ourselves up, stepping out of comfort […]
Thor’s day again. Todays rune is Nauthiz. Back pain, constraint, yeah, that’s about all I’m getting right now. Hard to focus on anything further then that. Usually I get lower back pain, but this is dead center and it is awfully difficult to stand up straight. Hope this passes soon. NAUTHIZ PRONUNCIATION: now-theez Constraint, need, […]