Tag: Tiwaz

Good Thor’s Day! Todays rune is Tiwaz. Can you tell yet how much I absolutely adore this set?? Anyway, victory and strength are what come through here. Sort of following the theme of what we’ve seen the last mo th or two. Betterment of the self. Spiritual strength and victory are always good signs to […]
Good Sunna’s Day! Todays rune is Tiwaz. I feel like we haven’t seen much of Tyr lately. And it’s always a good thing when he shows up. Here, we simply have inner strength. If you have it, tend to it to help it grow. If you don’t, jump into a path of learning to develop […]
Good Thor’s Day! Todays rune is Tiwaz. Today, I feel it being a representative of developing our inner strength, therefore connecting it with the last couple of days. Do you see how my pulls start to walk hand-in -hand with one another? We’re all connected, and when we can connect spiritually and intuitively through the […]
Good Máni’s Day! Todays rune is Tiwaz. With it comes inner strength and passion. Now is the time to overcome the things that are holding you back as of late. Tap into your passions and make them breathe with all the life you can give it. Take risks, you are strong enough to accomplish whatever […]
Good Saturday to you! Todays rune is Tiwaz. It brings with it strength and passion. And shows us we can overcome any challenge we face and emerge victorious. I also get some healthy/healing energies as well, which is great because this flu is kicking my butt. TIWAZ PRONUNCIATION: tee-whaz Ambition, courage, victory, strength, passion This […]
Good Thor’s day. Todays rune is Tiwaz. And what I see here is simple, but to the point. I get and image of Tyr demanding me to continue to develop inner strength. I keep pushing and pushing for this. Over the last 30 plus years in fact, but I guess it’s time to kick it […]
Good Sunna’s day!! Todays rune is Tiwaz. Today I get passion. Regardless of my health BS, which is day to day, but getting better (no worries, it’s nothing major, just sucks.) Anyway,there is just this growing fire in me to create. And that is coming soon on so many levels. New writings, new art. That […]
Good Woten’s day! Todays pull is Tiwaz. Strength, courage, and finally victory ate what I get, and what I need here. I do hope this rings true through the next week and a half. I’m quickly running out of patience and energy and I really don’t like that feeling. TIWAZ PRONUNCIATION: tee-whaz Ambition, courage, victory, […]
Good Máni’s day! Todays rune is Tiwaz. We’re all about a little bit of strength and a whole lot of passion today. Passion to do anything you desire, or need to do. Things that fill you’re belly with that creative fire. Things you care deeply about. It’s a good time to get them started. TIWAZ […]
Good Tyr’s day! Another shocker, it almost seems the Gods are playing a prank. Todays pull is Tiwaz. Tyr’s rune. With this pull I’m getting pure passion. I’m unsure if this is due to completed projects, those in the works or those yet to come, but it’s that fire that burns that is showing bright! […]