Today is the first day of LGBTQIA2S pride month! In June 1999, US President Bill Clinton declared “the anniversary of the Stonewall riots every June in America as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month”. In 2011, President Barack Obama expanded the officially recognized Pride Month to include the whole of the LGBT community. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that LGBTQ individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally.Federal and local policies and practices are increasingly acknowledging and focusing on LGBTQ and numerous national advocacy and other organizations are also giving greater attention to LGBTQ in their work. Encouraging greater acceptance and support for all, including those who are or are perceived to be LGBTQ, will make communities, schools, and other settings safer, better place for all. These days are hard for the LGBTQIA2S+ community, remember, we have our allies and we have each other. We will get through this. You are loved and you are seen. Please feel free to message me or email me.


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