A Rousing Dream for Today and Tomorrow

Good day all you magnificent Heathens! It’s a chilly January 15th, as the US celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


“I have a dream!”
Over 60 years ago, those words rang out across Washington DC, and broadcast to the world, sending a message of hope in a better, more equitable future. To this day, Martin Luther King Jr.’s words and actions are still felt. All across the great country of The USA and to every corner of the world, these words still invoke countless images of unity, equality, and justice.

“I have a dream that my … children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
The words of a father who has seen and experienced people beating him and his brothers and sisters down – words of hope, of change. Words, that in today’s world are slowly being co-opted by those who do not wish to see changes in equality. They promote the idea of “skin/color blindness”: where the idea of color doesn’t matter. In doing so, every piece of cultural heritage, ounce of struggle, every voice that has cried out in pain or joy, becomes ignored. Afterall, there’s no rich tapestry of a nation’s history, if you throw one color of paint across the whole thing. “My father’s dream and work included eradicating racism, not ignoring it.” King’s daughter posted last year.

Eradicating racism, poverty, and militarism is what this powerhouse of a man stood for, and yet, all across the US – and even around the world – there are those who wish to evoke a twisted, contorted image of Martin Luther King Jr. There are some who wish to weaponize an icon, and point it directly at the groups and ideals he has and would have supported. We, at Awaken the North, as Norse Heathens deeply understand this very struggle. Icons, words, stories, even the very nature of our gods taken out of context to promote hatred and injustice.

Wisdom and insight is found tucked into all the corners of this beautiful world – this is why Awaken the North holds fast to our Declaration of Human Rights, and why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Because we have a dream – a dream where we can truly find life, liberty, and pursue happiness. A dream where if you meet another Heathen, you don’t have to be wary of them; instead you instantly know you can stand shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-back with them, and find Frith.

  1. Photo curtesy via Unseen Histories, Unsplash ↩︎

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