Weekly Honoring of Tyr: Acceptance

We know that there is not much in the written lore about Tyr. Having a weekly spot dedicated to him requires that we jump in with a bit of Personal Gnosis*, that is fine with me – I like doing that. This is a roundabout way of saying “what you are about to read is the opinion of the author, Awaken the North does not necessarily endorse the views despite the fact they gave the author access to post this”

Over this last week I have been considering what it means to accept the results of events outside of my direct control. I strive to embrace a belief that the only thing I control is my thinking about the things that happen. Accepting that belief, or trying to at least, has helped me shed a bunch of my anxiety (until Gothi Beast askes for more video content, but that is another place for a different story). So, let’s relate this acceptance of things that we really don’t have a “choice” over back to Tyr’s sacrifice. People like to say that we always have a choice – I am going to disagree with that premise here, just a slightly. Did Tyr really have a choice? Did he really have a choice to not place his sword hand in Fenrir’s mouth? Of course he did, but the consequences (as he believed them to be) really left only one “right” action. What was Tyr’s real choice in the situation? The decision was foregone – he had to sacrifice his hand to the greater good. He could accept that, or he could allow that decision to victimize him. We don’t know what Tyr was really thinking – no one conducted a post sacrifice interview to get his take – but I believe that he accepted his role. He chose to embrace it. He lost his sword hand, which sucked immensely no doubt, but he didn’t allow that to break him. He probably didn’t go around the rest of his times and complain about how he couldn’t do this thing or that thing because he gave up his hand for us. He probably didn’t make a bunch of excuses as to why he couldn’t do something. I want to believe and follow the Tyr that accepted that and found ways to overcome the handicap.

Hail Tyr

Hail the ancestors

Hail Awaken the North

#Tyr #HD #greatergood #wisdom *I am jumping on the bandwagon with Suzanne Martin and Kate Coldwind (Frithcast ep 139), and a few others, to remove the U (Unverified) from UPG.

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