Weekly Honoring of Tyr: Consensual Prayers

Hello fellow Heathens!

This week I am taking a little detour in my weekly offering to Tyr. I think we can still make the case that it serves the greater good and therefore still fits in with Tyr.

A friend of mine, Chavah Granovetter, was addressing the issue of praying for someone without consent. Until she presented this analogy, I had always been of the mindset that if the intention was to do good then it was ok to offer a prayer to the deity of my choosing for anyone else. Whether they share my beliefs or not doesn’t really matter if I am asking for a blessing (or whatever we want to call it) that is universally beneficial, right? Chavah posed this analogy:

“Sort of like breaking into someone’s house to stock their fridge.”

If you were to come home to find that someone had stocked your fridge you might feel blessed. I probably would. Possibly you would also feel violated in some ways. I know that I would. Of course, generally I wouldn’t know who, or even if, had prayed for me and prayers are not as easy to spot as a full fridge. This is not to suggest that we should be feel offended when someone offers a prayer without our consent. This is aimed to help you think about offering nonconsensual prayers and consider how you would feel to come home and find that someone had let themselves into your house.

Chavah Granovetter can be found on FB and she publishes her blog at www.ravenfeather.com

Hail Tyr

Hail the ancestors

Hail Awaken the North

#Tyr #HD #greatergood #wisdom

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