Weekly Honoring of Tyr: Last Tyr’s Day of 2022

Howdy there Heathens (and anyone else reading this)! We find ourselves at the last Tyr’s day of the (standard) year! For many of us this is the 8th day of yule – for others Yule may not have started, and others may not even do Yule things – its all good however you Heathen (unless you are trying use Heathenry to promote hate). For me this time of year is a good time to reflect on the past year. To clear out the negative stuff, honor the positive, and to both literally and figuratively clean my spaces of all that has become to make room for that which will become. I will be spending the next couple of days leading up to the new year (I know that the new year may already have arrived by old practices, but I live with the modern and standardized calendar). This week I will look at the objectives/goals that I set for myself this year. Reflect on the things I accomplished, examine those that didn’t happen to see if those are things I want to bring over to the new year or if they were missed for a good enough reason to leave them with Urðr.

I don’t do the resolutions that many will be making on December 31. What I do is decide on an overall direction for the year to come, identify KPI (key performance indicators) and set some objectives with deadlines (goals) for the year.

What do you do? What are your practices for this time of year? Do you have anything special that you do?

Hail Tyr

Hail the ancestors

Hail Awaken the North

#Tyr #HD #greatergood #wisdom #wecanttellyouhowtoheathen

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