Weekly Honoring of Tyr

Hello fellow Heathens! To increase the social media content, it has been decided that I will begin a weekly post honoring one of my main god figures – Tyr the One Handed. Tyr the God of War and Justice. Each week I will feature some story related to justice with our community. I will invite you to share your stories on how you have experienced justice in your life. I will likely share some of my insight on Tyr – some from lore and some from my own personal UPG. Don’t worry I will always identify my UPG and not try to play it off as accurate or from lore.

So, all that said, here is the first post honoring Tyr. Most of you are probably well versed in the story of how Tyr lost his sword hand. The binding of Fenrir is a well-known tale. This story is one that resonates with me. Had Tyr not sacrificed his sword hand, the binding of Fenrir would have been a complete fraud. His promise to place his hand in Fenrir’s mouth so that it could be bitten off if the promise of release was not realized, Tyr upheld the justice promised to Fenrir. This sacrifice is akin to Odin’s sacrifice of his eye and life for wisdom. Tyr sacrificed his sword hand for Justice.

How have you experienced justice in your life? Give us a short story you are comfortable with sharing.

Hail Tyr

Hail the ancestors

Hail Awaken the North

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