Daily Rune – As/Oss – Order

Good Woten’s Day! Todays rune is As/Oss of the younger futhark. The Ansuz of the younger futhark, if you please. Here, it kind of points to the last few weeks/months and the divine order, or higher purpose of everything in our lives. It’s all fated and falling into place as the gods will it. Side note, both Norwegian and Icelandic translations of the rune poems here are among my favorite of all the rune poems.

ᚬ As/Oss means “one of the Æsir (gods)”. The rune of divine order. The rune of justice and truth.

Sound: “o” as in “oh”

Represents the power of communication, oral bonds, and the commanding force of word and song.

Norwegian rune poem **

ᚬ Óss er flæstra færða

fǫr; en skalpr er sværða.

Translation **

ᚬ As

Estuary is the way of most journeys;

but a scabbard is of swords.

Icelandic rune poem **

ᚬ Óss er algingautr

   ok ásgarðs jöfurr,

   ok valhallar vísi.

   Jupiter oddviti

Translation **

ᚬ Óss – God

   Aged Gautr

   and prince of Ásgardr

   and lord of Valhalla.

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