Daily Rune – Dagaz

Hail and a good Thor’s day to you all!! Todays pull brings us Dagaz once again. Im getting a lot of clarity, and hope in Dagaz today, with some protection as well. Keeping the negative enrgies at bay with positive thought and action.





Daylight, clarity, revelation, safety, hope

This is the rune of daylight and is considered a very beneficial sign in a reading!! Daylight is comfort. Things seem less threatening and much more becomes clear.

Increase, growth, prosperity, strength, good health, and general wellbeing are indicated.

This rune can dispel ignorance or expose deceit. It implies an increased level of awareness. 

It has also been called the DAWN RUNE and represents new hope, and an emergence from darkness to light

There is even an aspect of protection in Dagaz, as daylight is considered a protective force guiding us from darkness.

It can represent balance. and a reminder of the positive results of necessary transformation.

It is a good rune to keep in your pocket during challenging situations or for a spiritual or creative breakthrough

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