Daily Rune – Laguz

Good Sunna’s Day!! Today we have Laguz again. Yet again we have creativity and inspiration. Besides my own, I’ve found bartering and supporting friends businesses through trading and sharing an awesome way to do this. Since I have my set up and some materials at the moment this wors great for all of us. So expect to see some cool work on my personal page outside of my own!!



Inspiration, water, flow, intuition, psychic ability, feminine, growth

Laguz is the rune of water. This is primal water, fluidic power that rises from the well of the unconscious and cleanses and refreshes as it flows through all the layers of existence. It is the power of a potential brought forth into manifestation and actualized.

if you feel like you are being tossed around in the emotional waters of a situation, this rune advises you to stop fighting the current and go with the flow. Adaptability is key here.

Unseen powers are active here, powers that nourish and shape and connect.

Magical uses: Laguz is good for increasing intuitive and psychic abilities, healthy feminine energy, and creativity.

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