Daily Rune – Sol

Good Woten’s day!! Todays rune is Sol. Another pic from my trip, and another interesting piece of my puzzle as of late. This one relates to wholeness. And wholeness correlates with balance. Which I feel like I’m achieving at the moment. I’ve come to a point where very little really angers me outside of that moment. I don’t hold on to it as I once would. It’s there, I recognize it, the moment passes where I’m just done with it, and I move on. It’s really a much better way to live, and I wish I had achieved this at a much younger age. It would’ve helped me let go of a lot of things far earlier then I did. Wholeness, is a good feeling, now if I could just get back some inspiration for words and things I’d be doing just beautifully.

ᛋ sól (“sun”) The rune of goddess Sol in Germanic mythology. The rune of wholeness and success.

Sound: “s”

Meaning: This rune stands for the Sun Goddess called Sol/Sunna in Scandinavia and Barbet in Germany and the Netherlands. It is a rune that signifies directed action under spiritual control.

Norwegian rune poem **

ᛋ Sól er landa ljóme;

lúti ek helgum dóme.

Translation **

ᛋ Sol

Sun is the light of the world;

I bow to the divine decree.

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