Daily Rune – Sol

Good Tyr’s day!! Todays rune is Sol. And much like basking in the bright Goddess on a cool day, a beautiful breeze, lying in a field of flowers and seeing the shapes and faces in the clouds, I believe it represents wholeness today. Small moments as I described briefly above can bring us back to that feeling. Even if we’re not physically able to be in that situation. Visualization techniques are an important part of any good practice. This is a good reminder to use them when they’re needed.

 sól (“sun”) The rune of goddess Sol in Germanic mythology. The rune of wholeness and success.

Sound: “s”

Meaning: This rune stands for the Sun Goddess called Sol/Sunna in Scandinavia and Barbet in Germany and the Netherlands. It is a rune that signifies directed action under spiritual control.

Norwegian rune poem **

ᛋ Sól er landa ljóme;

lúti ek helgum dóme.

Translation **

ᛋ Sol

Sun is the light of the world;

I bow to the divine decree.

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