Daily Rune – Wunjo

A good Sunna’s day to you! I hope you’re all well! Todayy pull is again Wunjo. Like Wunjo I hope this day brings you joy and strengthens the link and bonds in your physical and spiritual lives! Hail!


Joy, pleasure, hope, bliss, well being


Strengthens links and bonds

Invocation of fellowship and harmony.

Banishes alienation and other inharmonious impediments to trust

Creating joy using true will

Realization of the link and multiplicity of relationships of all things

The art of correct wishing, the law of attraction

a very positive rune, Wunjo literally translates to Joy and indicates all manner of happiness and well-being. Situations that have been difficult are resolved and optimism is renewed. You may experience a feeling of being truly blessed by the higher realms. However, bliss and harmony are also present and more consistently so when we take a balanced approach to life.

Wunjo is the inner urge for the realization of your soul’s true will to achieve perfection of consciousness and the drive to this realization in this lifetime. It wards off woe and sorrow so that the abundant gifts of the multiverse have no trouble bestowing themselves upon you. In Wunjo we find harmonious energies characteristic in functional families, group affiliations, healthy societies, and nations, and ultimately, the world.

It is here we find the force of Love curing the warrior who has hate in his or her heart. Because the Northern tradition was abruptly cut short in its evolution of conceptualizing Love as a cosmic force, we must search for ideas in the Elder tradition that would indicate its latent potential. We find this idea especially in the rune meaning of Wunjo, for Wunjo carries all the elements of Love between and among human beings. Wunjo is the rune that guides harmonizing human energies into a whole. It is the alignment of individual will with the will of the community and ultimately with the divine will.

Magical uses include General well-being, fulfillment, success, raising vibrational frequency, and harmonious relationships of all kinds. Also powerful in bind runes.

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