Uruz, August 16, 2022


My son might just have to be the official rune puller, today from his own set we have Uruz!
Pronunciation- OO-ROOZ

Literal Translation-Auroch
Uruz is the rune of primal energy and strength. The Auroch that is the translation behind Uruz is the ancestor of domestic cattle of the rune Fehu. Uruz is wild,untamed and full of potential. Uruz also represents health, endurance, and one of courage. Uruz reminds us that we need to use aggression wisely so we do not flare
out of control. Uruz contains the power of change, and although many do not like Uruz because it is so primal it is one of my favorites to use, as it helps to channel
the ancestral energy of those before and helps one to direct primal energy.
Uruz is Great for things that need an extra boost of strength, especially when it comes to new endeavors or creativity.
While Uruz energy is heavily invested in the hamingja, it is not suited for easy, conscious control as Fehu is. It is the rune of powerful unconscious shaping energies that need to be guided wisely as they manifest. It is an early reminder within the series that the untamed powers of creativity are not without danger – a reality quite clear in our modern technological civilization. It is the user’s skill and practiced techniques that will control the energy unleashed by this rune. It is the rune of independence, asserting oneself and one’s territory.
The etymology of Uruz is unique as well. Uruz is Ur or Yr in Anglo-Saxon and Ur in Old Norse. It is akin to the “U” sound in English. Because Uruz is the auroch, it is the symbol of wild, untamed power and untamed potential. It means strength, wildness, masculinity, freedom, courage, and even change, often in a sudden and unexpected way. It can mean male sexuality, although that’s usually reserved for Ingwaz.

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