


joy, pleasure, hope, bliss, well being

a very positive rune, Wunjo literally translates to Joy and indicates all manner of happiness and well-being. Situations that have been difficult are resolved and optimism is renewed. You may experience a feeling of being truly blessed by the higher realms. However, bliss and harmony are also present and more consistently so, when we take a balanced approach to life.

joyousness accompanies new energy, energy blocked before now. Light pierces the clouds and touches the waters just as something lovely emerges from the depths: The soul is illuminated from within, at the meeting place of cosmos and Midgard, the meeting of the waters.

There is a new clarity that may call for you to renounce existing plans, ambitions, and goals. It is proper and timely for you to do so, for Wunjo is a Rune of restoration of the self properly aligned with the self.

wunjo is considered a good sign when it comes to business and prosperity as well as the rewards of following your ambition in general. now may be a good time to start a new venture, depending on the other runes in the reading.

Magical uses include General well-being, fulfillment, success, raising vibrational frequency, and harmonious relationships of all kinds. Also powerful in bind runes.

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