The new Seiðr course is here!

A new course has just been released on AtN-U!

Course Title: Introduction to Seiðr: Exploring the Mystical Art of Norse Magic
Course Description:
Embark on a journey into the mystical and enchanting world of Seiðr, the ancient Norse form of magic and divination. In our “Introduction to Seiðr” course, you will immerse yourself in the practices, rituals, and spiritual insights of this powerful form of Norse magic. Whether you are a beginner seeking to understand the art of Seiðr or an enthusiast looking to deepen your knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of this captivating aspect of Norse spirituality.
Course Highlights:

  1. Historical Context: Explore the historical background of Seiðr, its cultural significance in Norse society, and its connection to the spirits and the divine.
  2. Practices and Rituals: Dive into the various techniques used in Seiðr, including trance journeying, spirit communication, and prophecy.
  3. Gender and Seiðr: Understand the gender dynamics and roles in Seiðr, including the concept of “ergi.”
  4. Divination and Oracles: Learn the art of divination through Seiðr, interpreting signs, omens, and the messages of the spirits.
  5. Tools and Symbols: Explore the tools and symbols used in Seiðr, including staffs, drums, and runic inscriptions.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Reflect on the ethical aspects of Seiðr, including the responsibilities of practitioners.
  7. Contemporary Practice: Investigate the revival and modern use of Seiðr in contemporary Pagan and Heathen communities.
    Course Objectives:
  • Develop a deep understanding of the historical and cultural context of Seiðr and its role in Norse society.
  • Master the techniques and practices of Seiðr, including trance journeying, spirit communication, and divination.
  • Gain proficiency in working with the tools and symbols of Seiðr for spiritual insight and magical purposes.
  • Acquire the skills to conduct Seiðr rituals and embrace the wisdom of this ancient practice.
  • Build connections within a community of learners interested in Seiðr and its applications.
    Who Should Enroll:
    This course is designed for individuals interested in exploring the mystical and spiritual aspects of Seiðr, whether for personal spiritual growth, cultural appreciation, or academic inquiry. Whether you are new to Seiðr or an experienced practitioner, “Introduction to Seiðr” offers an immersive journey into the world of Norse magic and divination.
    Join us in rediscovering the ancient and mystical art of Seiðr and unlock the secrets of this captivating aspect of Norse spirituality. Enroll today and become a practitioner of the Old Ways.
    Awaken the North University – Where Mystical Arts of the Norse Come to Life.
    For more information and to secure your spot, visit

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