The History of the High Drighten of AtN

The history of the High Drighten

“Awaken the North’s High Drighten is a role that has existed since the conception of the organization and is seen as important to the mission and values of the organization. “ Mike S.

Our current HD, Mike Stimatze, was the first HD for Awaken the North as we know it today.  Mike stepped away for a brief time and other people held this role.   However, Mike stepped back into the role in 2022. 

When asked what made him decide to accept the role of High Drighten Mike simply replied, “Because Beast told me to.”  However, Mike is a very fair and impartial HD, following the guidelines set forth by the AtN mission, By-laws, and Code of Conduct document, all of which you can find right here on the website. 

The role of HD is a historical reference.  At gatherings such as the Allthings, Drightens were the attendees that did not have business to attend to and were considered neutral and therefore were thought to be able to make fair judgments on the issues brought forth.  In our community today it is the role of the HD to remain an impartial judge to protect our spaces online and in person when applicable.

I asked Mike what goals he has set for the future of the High Drighten role, and his answer proves he is the perfect person for this position. “I see the role of HD to be something akin to Chief Human Resource Officer. Recruitment, retention, onboarding, and training for the Council and Chairs. Of course, I would stay focused on keeping the spaces safe and promoting belonging and inclusion for our members.                                  I want to help create objective and measurable goals and role duties for each Chancellor and Chair that promotes the growth and development of AtN.”

Streamlining the training and evaluation of each seat on the council will make for great improvements as AtN continues to grow. 

So, what has Mike done within his role to date? 

 He was a key author of our bylaws and articles of incorporation.  He has patrolled and policed the social medias and corrected inappropriate behaviors, when necessary, in both the public spaces and members-only spaces.  Behind the scenes, Mike can often be found working on various projects, updates, and projects of continual improvement. Mike can be found in Discord at least once a month hosting live chats.  If you ever have questions regarding the By-laws, CoC’s or any questions directly for Mike he can be reached in the council chat room on discord #council-communications, or you can email him at

One Response

  1. Goði Beast says:

    Mike has been a great benefit to Awaken the North from the very beginning. We would not be anywhere near where we are without all of his hard work and dedication. I am honoured to call him a friend!

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