Ostara, a Warm Celebration of the Spring Equinox

Happy Ostara, fellow heathens!

As we welcome the Spring Equinox, let’s embrace the rebirth of nature and honor our Norse traditions. Ostara marks the time of balance between day and night, symbolizing new beginnings and fertility. What does the word Ostara mean? The word “Ostara” derives from Germanic paganism and is believed to be named after the Germanic goddess Eostre or Ostara, who symbolises fertility, renewal, and the dawn. Eostre was associated with the coming of spring and the resurgence of life in the natural world.

Symbols of Ostara:

  1. Pastel or bright hues and tones, such as pink, green, and blue
  2. Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz, or similarly tinted stones/crystals
  3. Foods commonly associated with Ostara include honey, eggs, asparagus, sprouted greens, and baked sweets or breads

Here are some ways to celebrate:

  1. Decorate your altar with colorful flower petals
  2. Dye eggs with natural colors to represent the vibrant hues of Spring
  3. Get creative with crafting by making wreaths, candles, or decorations inspired by nature
  4. Plant seeds or tend to your garden, connecting with the Earth’s renewal and growth
  5. Spring clean your house, and/or decorate with flowers and other Spring themed items
  6. Take a hike through nature, taking time to soak in and enjoy the ambience of the biome
  7. Spend time meditating, or journaling, on the meaning of the season, such as signs of growth or rebirth in your own life
  8. Have a picnic or host a Spring themed dinner party, including foods associated with Ostara, like egg-based dishes

May this Ostara bring you warmth, joy, and a deeper connection to the cycles of nature.

#Ostara #SpringEquinox #NorsePagan #HeathenTraditions

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